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Socrates — Grundtvig 2 project — Learning Partnership

C’you — C’me; Looking Both Ways

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People from our first project meeting in Malta
in November 2005

Welcome to the official website of the Grundtvig 2 Learning Partnership “C’you – C’me: Looking both Ways”.


On these pages you find information on the project, the goals, the participating countries and the organisations involved. The site will be continuously upgraded as the project progresses and will also show the project results achieved till July 2007.


The partners would like to thank Michael Carrier, Executive Director International House World Organisation (UK), for his valuable remarks during the Conference “Dissemination of Grundtvig Decentralised Actions Cultural Co-operation Projects’ Results” in Vilnius, Lithuania 2004. His presentation on Culture has sparked the project idea, which was quickly developed into something more tangible over dinner on the last evening of the conference by Mario Azzopardi, Skaidrite Medvecka and Ingrid Wagenhofer.


This project is funded by the National Agencies of Austria, Finland, Greece, Latvia and Malta under the European Socrates – Grundtvig Action.


Texts: Ingrid Wagenhofer, Austria

Webdesign: Liisa Nikkilä, Finland

Participants of the meeting in Malta, Nov 2005